Imagine meetings where everyone is heard and all people matter.
Picture organizations that embrace all voices and are committed to justice, equity and opportunity. Imagine businesses, nonprofits and the public sector creatively engaging people in thousands of ways—seeking their best ideas, empowering the silenced, and building communities where all are treated with dignity and respect.
That’s what Thrive seeks to create.
Each chapter contains practical insights and accessible stories that transform meetings from dull to dynamic.
You will learn how to:
- capitalize on diversity’s strengths.
- keep meetings task-oriented and collegial.
- facilitate effectively in polarized or conflicted settings.
Thrive includes chapters on privilege and power, multilingual and virtual meetings, and full inclusion of people with disabilities.
Whether you are a skilled practitioner or new to leadership, Thrive will teach you techniques for facilitating more effective, inclusive and energizing meetings.
What Others Are Saying
Smutny talks plainly. “We meet incessantly for good and for ill.” Lucky for us, he spends scant attention on the ills of meetings. Instead, this updated book shows modern facilitators how to welcome all cultures and identities with inclusive procedures like Liberating Structures and Open Space Technology. Get this book, absorb it, and keep it close at hand.
—John E. Perkins, PhD, CEO of Keep the Change Consulting
Whether you’re facilitating a weekly staff meeting, workshop or problem-solving session, you want to create an inclusive meeting where all feel welcome and as if their input matters. In Thrive, you’ll learn proven tricks of the trade to make people comfortable (even with difficult topics) and engaged in your next meeting.
—Karen Catlin, author of Better Allies
Order Thrive now at Amazon.
For more resources, articles, workshops, coaching, speaking, and facilitation services, visit Email Mark Smutny a question, idea for inclusive meetings, a book recommendation, or a personal story at He will personally respond to your email.