Assessment Phase

Our process begins with active listening to inquiries from nonprofit leaders seeking assistance. In this phase, we engage in comprehensive questioning to understand the conflict’s nature, delve into the organization’s history, and grasp its mission. Our approach involves probing for a deeper understanding, recognizing that each nonprofit possesses unique values, vision, services, and ways of dealing with conflict. We aim to gain comprehensive insights into the organization’s intricacies. Following this, we encourage the designated contact person to propose three or four other individuals in leadership positions for us to interview as part of our assessment. Additionally, we seek an audience with the Board of Directors to further listen and observe.

Contracting Phase

Aligned with our findings and the nonprofit’s needs, we collaborate with the board of directors, board president, and executive director to propose a comprehensive scope of work, timeline, and budget. Civic Reinventions, Inc. operates on a project basis rather than hourly billing.

Work Phase

Recognizing the distinctiveness of each nonprofit and conflict, we undertake various activities in the work phase, including but not limited to:

  • Conducting an organization-wide assessment through surveys, interviews, and/or focus groups to explore issues and both healthy and unhealthy conflict management styles, sharing the results with the organization.
  • Engaging with funders and contractors.
  • Facilitating mediation based on shared interests and values.
  • Conducting an organizational timeline exercise with stakeholders to examine changes in leadership, services, growth, and decline, as well as external factors affecting the nonprofit and the consultant. This aids in understanding patterns of organizational behavior over time.
  • Delivering one or more training workshops on communication styles across different cultural groups, listening skills, conflict resolution skills, and trauma-informed approaches.
  • Hosting a stakeholder retreat to foster mission alignment on values, mission, vision, strategy, and programs and services.
  • Teaching practices that foster a culture of respect, aiming for organization-wide culture change over time.
  • Referrals to legal counsel.

Evaluation and Follow-Up Phase

Post-intervention, we conduct surveys and interviews to measure differences in healthy and unhealthy behaviors within the organization. Additionally, a meeting with the board of directors and staff may be scheduled six to twelve months after the intervention for further evaluation and follow-up.