Meeting Agenda
Here’s a two-hour meeting agenda for the Board of Directors of a canine search and rescue organization, designed to integrate the principles of Liberating Structures (LS). The structure ensures inclusion, clarity, and engagement, while addressing the unique needs of onboarding new board members.
Meeting Goal:
- Build a sense of team and purpose.
- Familiarize new members with the organization’s culture, mission, and board responsibilities.
- Identify priorities for the upcoming year.
Meeting Agenda (2 Hours)
Welcome and Introductions (15 minutes)
Activity: Impromptu Networking
- Purpose: Quickly connect board members and set a positive, inclusive tone.
- Structure:
- Each participant pairs up with another for three rounds of 3-minute conversations.
- Suggested prompts:
- Why did you decide to serve on the board of this organization?
- What excites you most about being part of a search and rescue organization?
- What unique strengths or experiences do you bring to the board?
Building Shared Purpose and Mission (20 minutes)
Activity: 1-2-4-All
- Purpose: Revisit and align on the organization’s mission and values, ensuring new and experienced members feel ownership.
- Structure:
- Step 1 (1 minute): Individually, ask participants: “What resonates most with you about the organization’s mission? What could be clarified or strengthened?”
- Step 2 (2 minutes): Discuss insights in pairs.
- Step 3 (4 minutes): Join another pair (groups of 4) to refine thoughts.
- Step 4 (10 minutes): Groups share key insights with the whole board. Note patterns and themes on a whiteboard or flipchart.
Role Clarity and Team Dynamics (30 minutes)
Activity: Nine Whys
- Purpose: Deepen understanding of each person’s motivation for serving on the board and build a stronger team dynamic.
- Structure:
- In pairs, one person asks the other: “Why is serving on this board important to you?” Follow up with: “Why is that important?” Continue for 9 layers of “why.”
- Swap roles and repeat.
- After 15 minutes, debrief as a full group (15 minutes). Share common themes and how they connect to the organization’s broader mission.
Identifying Strategic Priorities (30 minutes)
Activity: 25/10 Crowd Sourcing
- Purpose: Identify and rank strategic priorities for the coming year.
- Structure:
- Each participant writes one bold idea for advancing the organization’s mission in the next year on an index card.
- Cards are passed around randomly for five rounds. At each pass, participants score the idea (1-5, with 5 being most compelling).
- After five rounds, scores are totaled, and the highest-scoring ideas are shared.
- Discuss the top ideas as a group to clarify and prioritize actions.
Strengthening Meeting Culture (15 minutes)
Activity: What, So What, Now What?
- Purpose: Reflect on how the board can enhance collaboration and effectiveness during meetings.
- Structure:
- Step 1 (What?): Individually reflect: “What worked well in past board meetings? What were challenges?”
- Step 2 (So What?): In small groups, discuss the implications of these observations.
- Step 3 (Now What?): As a full group, agree on 2-3 norms or practices for improving board meeting culture.
Closing and Next Steps (10 minutes)
Activity: Appreciative Interviews
- Purpose: End on a positive note and set the stage for action.
- Structure:
- Pair up with a different person than earlier.
- Reflect and answer: “What is one thing you’re excited to contribute in the next year?” and “What is one thing you’re looking forward to learning or experiencing as a board member?”
- Briefly share 1-2 highlights in the full group.
Follow-Up Actions
- Share meeting notes and a summary of strategic priorities.
- Provide onboarding materials to new board members, including a handbook and organizational overview.
- Schedule follow-up mentoring or pairing between new and experienced board members.
This meeting design fosters engagement, collaboration, and alignment while ensuring new board members feel welcomed and empowered to contribute.
For More Ideas and Resources
For help with your organization’s challenges and an array of innovative solutions, check out my website at https://civicreinventions.com. Then email me at mark.smutny@civicreinventions.com or give me a call at 626.676.0287. I will respond personally to every inquiry.

Dr. Mark Smutny is a nonprofit consultant specializing in conflict resolution services. He teaches, writes and consults on ways for nonprofits to turn unproductive conflict to mission success. He is the award-winning author of the book Thrive: The Facilitator’s Guide to Radically Inclusive Meetings, 2nd. Ed.

© 2024 Dr. Mark Smutny. All rights reserved. No part of this article may be used or reproduced without written permission.